Friday, February 1, 2008

Kelby is the MAN!

I know most of you have heard about Scott Kelby, heck, if you have ever held a book about Photoshop in your hands, it was probably written by him. I had the pleasure of seeing him in action at the Imaging USA trade show in Tampa a couple of weeks ago. Scott has indeed built an empire on his knowledge of Photoshop. If you have not seen it yet, the Photoshop TV Podcast is a must see. If you are not a member yet, and are seriously using Photoshop, join the N.A.P.P. ( National Association of Photoshop Professionals. Scott is the Prez.) And the best for last, Scott has just launched Kelby Training Online. This is a great online learning resource for all things Adobe, check it out, he even lets you watch the first three tutorials in each category, FREE! We like free.

Lightroom Preset

Today's free for all is another sweet Lightroom preset. This one gives a rich golden glow to your image with a dark vignette.
Have fun!